best way to send fax from computer

best way to send fax from computer The following steps will tell you how to send fax by computer, using FaxitFast’s impeccable service. To send fax using computer, enter your email address and password to login to your FaxitFast account dashboard. Click the ‘Send a Fax’ icon on the left-hand side of your dashboard to send a fax. You will find an empty box appear for you to enter the recipient’s number. (You can also add more contacts by going to the phonebook section and clicking on ‘add phonebook entry’) You can either select the recipient number from the phone book section displayed beside the ‘Send a Fax’ bar or add the number manually by yourself minus any spaces and dashes. To add multiple recipients, simply add comas at the end of the number. You have the option to add a cover page, or you can leave that ...